Run With Katie

Katie is another runner whom I met through the running community and on Instagram. We’d talked a few times and, admittedly, I was confused as she moved about a bit and I always felt I was talking to a different person as a result! Sorry Katie! She’s rocked up back in London though so a run was on the cards.


Straight off the back of her successful Dublin marathon we met on a Thursday evening for an easy run to wake up the legs and get back into the flow of running. She was in good spirits considering a few days earlier she’d battled her way across the finish line of a 26.2 mile run. Never an easy feat and it sounds like she dug deep on the day to keep going. You read a lot about marathoners and the characteristics, but one thing is for certain, anyone completing a marathon is one strong individual!

Given the clocks have gone back and London is on a seasonal switch, running after work becomes that little bit more difficult and less enjoyable – the parks close early and when looking for a convenient place to meet and run you are forced into the streets. We decided to meet at Baker Street and ran a loop around Regent’s Park which, even when closed isn’t too bad. Other than me forgetting my head torch and also needing to stop to ‘find a tree’ we did OK in the dark. We carried on a little bit and ran just under 4 miles in total as we got to know one another.

Another run with, another face to a name. Another inspiring runner met through the ‘community’.